CURRENT #top100
So far we've approved these vehicles for these classes, there are a few more to fill on the 7th. I know of 3-5 that are unable to represent and will need to forfeit MeganGrandLexusIS300Best JDMKristinaEllisSUBARUSTIBest FitmentBrandonCox2019KiaBest FunctionJoshKimmerSubaruWRXBest JDMEricLigmanTeslaModel 3 PerformanceBest Electric SexTannerSmithSUBARUBRZBest FitmentAlexTranBMWE36 M3Best EuropeanMarkMenesesToyotaSupra GRBest
Welcome to the #top100
If you see your ride here, you made it. If you got the email and your square isn't here, ask mike to make you one. Not everyone's pictures were great to show case but okay enough to see your bits.
All #Top100
It's been a weird year and we thought this event would never happen. But you were faithful and kept me driving hard to make it happen. We've moved locations twice that you know of, but really it's been 3 times and we were hit with a