10 Years in Seattle
Seattle 2022 - July 9th -10thLocation : Bellevue College - 3000 Landerholm cir SE 98007Time : 5PM to 10PM RSVP Tickets RegistrationYOU'RE INVITED! Tell a friend, to tell a friend, we're back in the Garage !!!!!StanceWars is pleased to announce our Seattle Fitment Event.- The Fitment
StanceWars elite for Seattle 2022
These are elite or we call #select - many are perfect, but there either wasn't enough room in a class or they lacked one vote from being on the top floor. But these are rad rides and many I'd own in a heartbeat -mike
Welcome to the #top100
If you see your ride here, you made it. If you got the email and your square isn't here, ask mike to make you one. Not everyone's pictures were great to show case but okay enough to see your bits.
Presenting our #Top100
KeldanBellSubaruBest StanceKodyVoshellMercuryBest ClassicMeganGrandLexusBest JDMKaidynKibbyMazdaBest StanceOsmanLiceaInfiniti Best StanceAlejandroDuenasInfinitiBest VIPAlexSoukkayAcura Best StanceDinoMattoniLexusBest StanceTreyHensonLexus Best VIPTylerSchererSubaru Best StanceYutakaMukohiraNissanBest RHDAlexTranBMWBest EuropeanJuanFrancoInfiniti Best StanceIvanFelixVolkswagenBest StanceCaseyMurphySubaruBest StanceConnorWyattSubaruBest StanceCassidySomersSubaru Best StancejoerawketMazdaBest JDMChristianHopkinsSubaruBest JDMCarsenSterlingVolkswagenBest StanceAllenNguyenMercedes-BenzBest EuropeanJonasEdwardsLexusBest JDMCySeigafoInfiniti Best StanceJosephGerardoInfinitiBest FunctionPedroGarciaInfinitiBest StancePyperMcFarlandSubaruBest StanceMiguelManuelNissanBest StanceSabasMedinaLexus Best VIPRanayRetzloffHondaBest JDMArinReinschLexusBest VIPByronSomsakSubaruBest FunctionLouisSierraNissanBest StanceRichardHatfieldSubaruBest JDMJohnnyvongkhamchanhNissanBest RHDKEONITEIXEIRAToyotaBest Truck\SUVSamirKaroutVolkswagen Best EuropeanAnesMesakBmwBest EuropeanMilanBudimirVolkswagenBest EuropeanKOBYCHAVEZSubaruBest JDMEmilyLopezSubaruBest StanceJesusValenciaVolkswagen Best EuropeanTaylorLyonsNissanBest JDMChandlerShrollPorscheBest EuropeanAaviJohalMazdaBest JDMCarlosVillaDodgeBest DomesticChristianBlockBMW Best
#Top100 Applicant – Ready for judging ?
We just sent all Top100 applicants an email as we move to the next step on the #Top100 journey. Judges will now review the files and make a YES or NO blind vote on the vehicles asking one question " Does this vehicle belong in this
Date change for seattle
#DateChange - I met with Bellevue College yesterday about our Seattle Shows at the venue. The outcome was what I figured that we WOULD NOT get a contract for July 10-11th. Bellevue College gets funding from Washington State and will not go against local government or has confidence
Seattle show update
#intheknow RSVP for Seattle Tickets for shows So here is the update. We have provisional approval for a show. We've been doing a lot of planning about covid, space, congestion, and safety. I'm on my 4th plan for this and hope
Seattle update
#showupdateHi everyone it's Mike. About half an hour ago I got out of a meeting with Bellevue college that we had face-to-face at the actual college. I heard some really great positive news. I and my team have a little bit of work to do but
RHD FEST x StanceWars
I cant wait to see more Extreme RHD rides like this at RHD FEST 2021 - The Show the day after StanceWars Seattle 2021 !!!!@nguyenxin @madd_fd3sRHD FEST x StanceWars