Khyzyl Saleem – Ab-flug kitted Dodge Viper GTS
Continuing the classic Japanese Aftermarket x US Muscle car series, here we have an Ab-flug kitted Dodge Viper GTS. Not to everybody’s taste but it wasn’t created for everyone to like it. Just like the R.E Amemiya kitted C5, I felt like this was a perfect match, and given the number of people that guessed it, it was! It has a kind of Veilside front end which I like also. The outlandish qualities of the s900 kit for the Supra have always been a long inspiration for me, the true essence of a zero f*cks given body kit!
*Just a friendly reminder that this is a piece of Concept art, not a fully fleshed out project, hence the gaps and polish. If I ever push it further I’ll address that, but for now, my objective is complete *
–What kind of Classic Japanese kit should I mesh with a US muscle car next!?